Advanced Analytics & AI
XBRL point
Simplify your financial reporting process with XBRL tool, ensuring full compliance with ESEF & UKSEF standards.
Key clients
Automated, accurate and compliant reporting — for both ESEF and UKSEF
Solvership’s XBRL Point simplifies the preparation of ESEF and UKSEF reports. The plug-and-play, XBRL-certified software helps with compliance with the European Single Electronic Format directive without needing to understand complex XBRL syntax. The intuitive interface, automatic tagging features, and built-in validation come together to provide accurate, timely, and compliant financial reports — saving time and reducing errors.
Where does Solvership’s XBRL Point come in?
- Legal obligations under the ESEF directive and Capital Market Act
- Understanding the idea and purpose of the XBRL concept
- No investments in new technology and/or restructuring IT infrastructure
- Drag-and-drop or AI-powered automatic tagging
- Integrated Arelle validator, compliant with ESEF
Our process
The setup process is fast, generally taking only a few days to get XBRL Point up and running.
Our training sessions are tailored to equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate through XBRL reporting with confidence.
If any questions or issues come up, our support team is ready to assist you.